We are all connected!
We are all one!
I want to connect people, books, and podcasts that have profoundly influenced my life journey to show that when we connect, we are stronger and more effective together.
Attention is energy!
Things we pay attention to can effortlessly amplify! Do we want to grow inwardly, unfold, and give shape to our potential? Then pay attention to what wants to amplify within you right now!
We are all here to unfold!
Just as a flower bud contains everything inside it that it will later reveal when it blooms, we humans are also designed in this way. We just need the right environment and the right people around us to provide us with the opportunity to unfold safely.
"Get the people and the impulses you need!
Grow beyond your limits!"
You are what you read!
These consciousness-expanding books have greatly supported me in my journey from the caterpillar to the butterfly. Take the inspiration you need for your own development!
And share your experience with me!
Click on the various books for more information.
Die Ebenen des Bewusstseins - David Hawkins -Echter Wohlstand
Das Drama im Mutterleib, Der Verlorene Zwilling - Alfred R. Austermann, Bettina Austermann
Christina, Zwillinge als licht geboren - Bernardette von Dreien
Ent-wickle dich!, der Schlüsses zum Bewusstsein - Sandra Weber